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Prof. J. L. Ballester
Degree in Physics, with specialization in Theoretical Physics, from the University of Valencia (Spain) 1975.
Master's Thesis: Internal Structure of a three solar mass star. University of Valencia (Spain) 1977.
Ph. D. Thesis: Dynamics of solar prominences. University of Barcelona (Spain) 1982. Thesis Adviser: J. Kleczek (Astronomical Institute. Ondrejov. Czech Republic).
Visiting Scientist University of St. Andrews (Scotland) 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989.
Research Interests: MHD waves and Instabilities in solar prominences; Seismology of the solar corona; Behaviour of the solar activity: Asymmetries, Periodicities, Chaos; Role of partially ionized plasmas in solar physics.
RAS Discussion meeting on Solar Partially Ionised Plasma
Fifth UK-Ukraine-Spain Meeting on Solar Physics and Space Science
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